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College Resume

College Resumes

Homeschool High School to College

All About Resumes

Purpose of a College Resume:

1.  As competitiveness rises, the resume is a way for colleges to get a succinct view of relative

strengths and weaknesses of a candidate.

2.  Answer the questions what will the student contribute to the university.

3.  Highlight special abilities and leadership or different activities.

4.  Show the candidate as a multidimensional person.  Colleges are interested in what excites or motivates a student.

5.  The activities grid on many college applications doesn't necessarily show your student to the best advantage.

Goals of Well Organized Resume:

1.  Be willing to brag a bit about your child.  Brag to show depth, diversity and leadership.

2.  Tell a story that shows your student's passion and commitment.

3.  Clear/User Friendly presentation

4.  Rich in detail, exhaustive, utterly "unique" picture

      · How long involved in activity

      · How many hours per week and weeks per year

      · Responsibilities

      · Leadership positions

How To's:

1.  3-4 pages finished form

2.  Include name, SSN on every page

3.  Decide on a format that works for you keeping it clear and user friendly.

4.  Categories

      · Extracurricular Activities

      · Honors and Awards

      · Community Service

      · Summer Experiences

      · Employment and Internships

      · Hobbies and interests

      · Education is unusual

Here are some websites that can assist in writing your student's resume.

Google : High School resume templates and high school resume samples for college.

Free Resume Builder website:
