NHEA NEEDS YOU!!!  See FB page for details All Teens (7th-12graders) welcomed to join in the fellowship & planning at Student Council Meetings.  Teen registration for member families is free.  Click here for details. Check the calendar for sports games to cheer on your homeschool friends. Business Directory- If you have referrals, please click here. FEEDBACK TIME- Please fill out the survey to make your voice heard. Click here. Praying for a restful & rejuvenating summer. Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Matthew 11:28

Testing and College Entrance Exams (SAT, PSAT, ACT)

Testing Options:  Testing your children is not required by the state of Louisiana for either of the home school programs. However, with the ‘public’ or ‘home study’ option, in order to be approved for the second and subsequent years, you must provide proof that the student is at least performing at grade level. That can be in one of three ways—national test scores (ITBS, Stanford, SAT, ACT, CAT…), portfolio, or letter of evaluation by a certified teacher at that grade level.

Even if you home school under the private school act, testing can give you insight as to what changes you may consider making in your curriculum.

NHEA provides the Stanford test once each year. Look for registration forms sometime in February. Testing for the NHEA is usually at the end of April.  It’s a fine test for all grade levels. However, if your young child would perform better in a less crowded environment-ie is easily distracted, he can take the ITBS (Iowa Test of Basic Skills) at home as long as the person giving the test has at least a bachelor’s degree (in any field). –It can be a parent, friend, etc. To get this approved, contact BJU for a tester's application and be prepared to provide a copy of your college diploma.  If this is the case, consider beginning testing with the group when the child reaches age 10-12 or so, to get used to the idea and distractions of group testing. 

LEAP – taken in 8th grade; opportunity to take a writing test. Contact the St. Tammany School Board for more information.

Stanford & Iowa – achievement tests to validate yearly progress and detect areas of weakness in order to make curriculum changes.  See more information about NHEA Stanford Testing under Annual Events tab on this website.  Also, to test the Iowa on your own you will need a 4 year degree.  See http://www.bjupress.com/testing/ to order the  Iowa test.

ACT testing - begin early; do not wait till your senior year;  deadlines for scholarship applications at some colleges are in November of the senior year; can apply with a lower score and keep testing in the same year; do not leave any blank; use same letter to complete the section before time expires; bring something to read while you wait to get started (it prepares the brain for what is to come); one option is The Real ACT Prep Book along with the Black Book ACT; take the sample tests in the same environment you will be testing (do your best to recreate the scene) http://act.org/  Note:  Feb & Oct testings are usually less crowded and considered "easier" but Dec & Apr testings allow you to purchase the test and the answers for further review.  Software for ACT prep available through the HSLDA website.  ACT can determine your college placement for English/Math, your TOPS Award amount, college admissions, scholarships available to you, and course credit and placement.  To register for the ACT test go to www.actstudent.org.

SAT testing - begin early; don't answer by guessing because there is a penalty for wrong answers. Prepare same as above for the SAT with prep books that have sample questions.  Tests are in January, March, May, June, October, November, & December.  Test contains 3 math sections, 3 reading sections, & 3 writing sections.  No science on this test.  Although this test is typically taken in the northern part of the United States, it can be used for admission in the South.  Some areas of the country only accept SAT not ACT.  SAT can determine your college placement for  English/Math, your TOPS Award amount, college admissions, scholarships available to you, and course credit and placement. To register for the SAT test go tohttp://sat.collegeboard.org/home. Test questions are emailed on a daily basis for practice.

PSAT; ¼ pt penalty for wrong answers = guess!  Must be taken in October of junior year in order to qualify for National Merit Scholarship; begin as freshmen taking for practice.   For more information about this test go to http://www.collegeboard.com/student/testing/psat/about.html. It is the parents responsibility to start contacting the school in advance.  

High School

Jr Counselor

Email address

Phone #

Archbishop Hannan Ashley Faucheux

[email protected]


Covington High

 Belinda Pennison

[email protected]


Fontainebleau High

Lori Englande

[email protected]


Lakeshore High

Ms. Michelle Canas

[email protected]


Mandeville High

Ms. Mandy Rhodes

[email protected]


Northlake Christian Matt McCune [email protected]


Northshore High

Pauline Calderone [email protected] 649-6400

Pearl River High

Diane Shay

[email protected]


Salmen High

Kelly Morris

[email protected]


Slidell High

Jonie Dillion

[email protected]


 ACT/SAT Free Practice Test: 

1.  This opportunity is available at least twice a year. Anyone 6th grade and up is eligible to take the ACT.  Take a free, full-length ACT Practice Test in real time to experience what the test is like and the testing process. Space is limited, and registration is required by calling KAPLAN directly (not the library) at 1-800-KAP-TEST (1-800-527-8378) or register at the KAPLAN websitewww.kaptest.com/enroll

 2. Take a free, full-length ACT Practice Test in real time to experience what the test and testing process are like. Space is limited, and registration is required. To register for the practice test, call the Princeton Review directly (not the library) at 1-800-2-REVIEW (1-800-273-8439) or register at the Princeton Review website www.princetonreview.com.

Can’t make it? Electronic versions of the ACT and SAT are available on the Library’s online databases.

Several of the local colleges and home school facilitating businesses may offer ACT Prep classes as well.