NHEA NEEDS YOU!!!  See FB page for details All Teens (7th-12graders) welcomed to join in the fellowship & planning at Student Council Meetings.  Teen registration for member families is free.  Click here for details. Check the calendar for sports games to cheer on your homeschool friends. Business Directory- If you have referrals, please click here. FEEDBACK TIME- Please fill out the survey to make your voice heard. Click here. Praying for a restful & rejuvenating summer. Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Matthew 11:28

Dual Enrollment

Concurrent Studies/Dual Enrollment

Most colleges have a concurrent program.

Check with the college for age limit.

ACT requirements are usually necessary for enrollment.

Maximum number of hours?  Be sure you take only amount of hours required and still can receive freshman scholarship opportunities at college your student is planning to attend as a freshman.  Also, check with the college your student plans to attend as a freshman to see what courses will transfer.

Still can maintain TOPS Eligibility

Do not register for college courses after declaring high school graduation until you have registered for TOPS and filled out the FASFA

Southeastern Louisiana University, Delgado  Community College, and Northshore Technical Community College have opportunities for dual enrollment.  See links below to learn more.

 SLU: http://www.southeastern.edu/apply/high_school/index.html

Delgado: www.dcc.edu/admissions/apply/dual-enrollment/default.aspx

Northshore Technical Community College:www.catalog.northshorecollege.edu/overview/admissions/