NHEA NEEDS YOU!!!  See FB page for details All Teens (7th-12graders) welcomed to join in the fellowship & planning at Student Council Meetings.  Teen registration for member families is free.  Click here for details. Check the calendar for sports games to cheer on your homeschool friends. Business Directory- If you have referrals, please click here. FEEDBACK TIME- Please fill out the survey to make your voice heard. Click here. Praying for a restful & rejuvenating summer. Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Matthew 11:28

LHSAA-Homeschool eligilibility




  1. The home-school student shall meet all other standards and requirements applicable to a student participating in the athletic activity, including but not limited to tryouts, practice time, codes of conduct and student discipline, physical exams, proof of age, permission forms, waivers, required paperwork, fees, and transportation arrangements excluding requirement for enrollment and attendance at the member school.


  1. A home-school student shall be subject to the same residency or attendance zone requirements as other students participating in the athletic activity



  1. The student’s parent or legal guardian shall make a written request for the student to participate in interscholastic athletic activities to the principal of the school providing the activity. Such request shall be made no later than the first 11 days of the school year. A home-school student, who is a member of a school team, shall be included in the school’s October 1 enrollment count for the purposes of and as it applies to athletics.



  1. The principal of the school providing the athletic activity shall approve or disapprove such written request within 30 days after receipt by the principal of all information and documentation requested by the principal from the student or the student’s parent or legal guardian, or both. A request for information and documentation by the principal shall be limited to information and documentation that is required of other students relative to participation in the athletic activity.


  1. A decision by the principal to approve or disapprove the written request for the student to participate shall be final.


  1. No person, individually or on behalf of any other person, shall have a cause of action arising from a denial by a principal of participation by a home-school student in interscholastic athletics at the school.


  1. After a decision is made by the principal to approve a request for the student to participate, the student then shall participate in any tryouts for such activity at the same time and in the same manner as other students who want to participate in the same activity. Participation shall be defined as the opportunity to try out for a position on the team. As with any other student at the school, even if eligible, no student is guaranteed participation, only the opportunity to try out for a position on the team.


  1. The student shall submit documentation from BESE that the student is in an approved home-school program.


  1. The student shall meet academic standards required of other students to participate in the athletic activity. A student shall not be allowed to receive scholastic academic credit as a home-school student at the same time he/she is earning Carnegie units while attending an LHSAA member school. The student shall submit a copy of his/her transcript showing units of study completed or in progress, the grades earned for such study, and his cumulative grade point average. The means used to determine that the home-school student meets such standards shall be agreed to by the principal of the school offering the sport and the parent or other person responsible by law for the school attendance of the home-school student. Such means may include those provided for in R.S. 17:236.1(D). The agreement shall occur prior to the home-school student being permitted to participate in the sport, and scholastic eligibility (GPA, grades) shall be verified by the member school’s principal at the same time all other students are verified for athletic participation.


  1. Any home-school student who provides or on whose behalf others provide any false representation, documentation or verification of the student’s qualifications for the purpose of meeting eligibility requirements to participate in interscholastic athletics shall be ruled ineligible to participate and shall be subject to the same penalties as other students as provided by the association.


  1. A Code of Conduct/Discipline Agreement must be signed by the home-school student, the student’s parents, and the principal of the school. A copy of the agreement shall be kept on file at the school. The home-school student shall adhere to the same standards of acceptance, behavior and performance as required of the students at the member school in which the home-school student is participating.


  1. A home-school student who is ruled ineligible shall not be allowed to appeal his/her ineligibility through the LHSAA Hardship Program.


  1. Home-school students shall be registered on the LHSAA Members’ Only website by the member school only once during the school year and shall be registered as soon as the acceptance process is completed but not later than October 1 each year. The student’s registration shall be updated for each additional sport in which the student participates.







Check List:


                Written Request for participation to Principal



                Approval by Principal



                Documentation from BESE



                Copy of Transcripts



                Code of Conduct/Discipline agreement























Name of Athlete:                                                                             



