Terms and Agreement
Membership Agreement: We confirm we have read and fully agree with NHEA requirements stated below (click hyperlinks to access documentation for each item). If our agreement changes at any point in the future, we will inform the NHEA Board and resign our membership.
Faith: We have read and agree with the NHEA Statement of Faith.
Constitution: We have read and agree to abide by the NHEA Constitution and Bylaws.
Pledge: We have read and agree to abide by the Peacemakers Pledge.
Participant Release: We have read the Release of Liability and Assumption of Risk Agreement, fully understand its terms, and understand that we have given up substantial rights freely and voluntarily without inducement.
Intent to Homeschool: We will abide by the State of Louisiana's definition of homeschooling by sending a letter to register as a Nonpublic School (Not Seeking State Approval) in accordance with R.S. 17:232 (C) and (D) or by applying for the BESE Approved Home Study Program. [Exceptions: Children under 7 are not required to register as Nonpublic School (Not Seeking State Approval) or Approved Home Study students.] The State Public School at home program does not qualify as Homeschooling and therefore doesn't allow NHEA membership.
Photography Release: On occasion photographs and video of NHEA members are used in the members section of the NHEA website, the NHEA Student Council members only Facebook page, at NHEA activities, and in NHEA publications. We consent to photographs and videos of our family to be used for these purposes.
My Responsibility to Register and Pay: I understand that it’s fully my responsibility to register and Pay (if applicable) for any event or activity that I want to be a part of. I will not be automatically registered for field trips, graduation, or any other NHEA event or activity.
Volunteer Requirement: I will contribute at least one service requirement to NHEA this school year. NHEA is a completely volunteer run organization. Everything that NHEA has to offer: Field trips, Yearbook, Mom’s Night, Kickoff – no matter how big or how small – has taken place due to the sacrifice of time and talents of volunteers within our group. Innovative parents have initiated all NHEA has to offer. Volunteer requirements can be satisfied by leading or assisting with any NHEA event or activity.
NHEA Forum Guidelines:
The Forum thread titled NHEA official is Moderated-No Reply and send only. This is for official events authorized by the NHEA Board or specific NHEA activity or event coordinators. Please do not reply all or to the "thread", rather reply directly to the sender. If you reply, please check the address in your reply and make sure it's to the person originating the email. This is very helpful for all emails.
The forum thread NHEA unofficial is non moderated and open to all members for all miscellaneous communication.
- I will add [email protected] to my email contact list in order to receive communication from NHEA via Homeschool-life.
- I am responsible for updating my forum preferences on the website at “Edit My Profile”.
- I will include a clear and specific subject line.
- I will not post or directly hit reply to any NHEA Official sponsored activities, events, or info to the NHEA (Moderated-No Reply) designated Forum thread unless I'm coordinating an officially sponsored event.
- I will edit any quoted text down to the minimum needed. It helps to think through: Who (members only, children, what ages), what, where, how much, and details on payment, when (date and duration), and deadlines if applicable.
- Advertising is generally not permitted, but links in your email tagline to your business or member-owned businesses are acceptable. You may include your business in the business directory.
- Unbiased political updates are allowed; however, only issues concerning homeschooling and family are up for discussion.
- Theological and doctrinal topics are not permitted.
- I will choose Forum categories carefully and if none exists I will use the HSM Talk: Home School Mom’s Talk, Miscellaneous category.
- I will not forward chain letters and I’ll limit forwards to only those most beneficial to our homeschool group
- I will not curse, use accusatory remarks, be rude, or USE ALL CAPS.
- I will read my own message three times before sending it. (When in doubt, save your message overnight and reread it in the morning prior to sending.)